I joined Alphero in November 2019 as the Digital Content Specialist. Alphero is a leading digital agency in New Zealand, known for creating some of the most recognised digital experiences in the country across both mobile and web.
During my time at Alphero, I worked internally on the marketing site. The main responsibility of my role was the production of content.
Here's an example of some of the case studies I've written about past projects.
The challenge with writing about projects that you weren't personally involved in isn't the understanding of the story behind them, but in the tracking down of the people who are able to tell that story. (Especially on older projects, where the original team members have all moved on.) It then becomes a matter of putting your journalist hat on, tracking down leads, questioning various people, and searching documentation to find clues. Once you've found your story, then you can start to assemble the pieces to find the most engaging way to re-tell it.
Here's an example of the blog posts I wrote for the Ideas Factory:
The Ideas Factory is essentially the R&D department. This is where great minds come together to experiment with innovative new ways of utilising emerging technology. It then becomes a resource or "ideation framework" that clients can tap into, to inspire innovation within their own organisations.
I have also been managing the company's Google Ads campaigns, and using Google Data Studio to create a branded dashboard that compiles various marketing analytics and insights.
Ria is a SEO superstar, and a Google Adwords ninja, if there's something worth knowing about when it comes to optimising your site's visibility, she knows it. She has a knack for writing content with a strong tech angle while still keeping it engaging and relatable. Her unflappable demeanor and quirky sense of humor make her a great addition to any team.
As of June 2020, my full-time permanent contract has transitioned to a freelance one due to a Covid-related restructuring of the company.
If you're interested in my services as a digital content specialist, I'm available! Drop me a line.
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